Pulse of Palestine: Resistance and Prisoners w/ Zarefah Baroud and Ramzy Baroud

Pulse of Palestine: Resistance and Prisoners w/ Zarefah Baroud and Ramzy Baroud


Palestine Action of the South Sound (PASS) invites you to attend Pulse of Palestine: Resistance and Prisoners on Saturday, October 19, 2024 from 4 - 6 pm at Moving Parts Studio (302 Columbia St NW Olympia, WA). 

Pulse of Palestine: Resistance and Prisoners features two keynote speakers: Zarefah Baroud and Ramzy Baroud.  

The evening will include two lectures followed by Q and A.

Join us as we discuss the ongoing political struggle for freedom in historic Palestine. 

Ramzy Baroud is a US-Palestinian journalist whose talk is titled, “Reanimating Palestine: Why is Gaza the Heart of Palestinian Resistance.” Ramzy Baroud is the author of six books including, My Father was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza’s Untold Story and Our Vision for Liberation. He is the Editor of Palestine Chronicle since 1999 and the former Managing Editor of London-based Middle East Eye.

Zarefah Baroud is a PhD candidate at the University of Exeter’s European Centre for Palestine Studies whose talk is titled “Palestinian Prisoners: the Pulse and Compass of Our Movement.” You can find Zarefah Baroud’s articles in Al Jazeera, Mondoweiss, CounterPunch, The Palestine Chronicle, and others. Her dissertation advisor is Dr. Ilan Pappé and her dissertation is called The Colonial Origins of Israel’s Carceral Regime.

Please wear a mask to this event.
Be advised that this studio is a shoes-off space.

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